Sandra Bouza

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Aug 22 2023 - Aug 22 2023


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


TD Stage

Every now and then, if we are really lucky, we encounter an artist like Sandra Bouza. An artist whose voice stops us in our tracks. An award winning artist who cut her teeth on stages all over the world, she has returned to Canada and invested her heart and soul into a career in music, and people are noticing. Sandra’s absorbed a lot from listening to the greats from the golden age of R and B, but like them, she has emerged with a style that is all her own. Gifted with a masterful sense of poise and control, few singers can inhabit a vocal like Bouza does. Everyone who’s heard her sing knows that Sandra’s always been a powerful vocalist and a compelling songwriter, but with her upcoming album, ‘A Sound in the Dark’, she has truly found her own voice.

For the full Union Summer lineup click here.