TD Jerkfest Double Bill with Krystal Voice & Sons of Steel

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Aug 1 2023 - Aug 1 2023


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


TD Stage

Krystal Victoria is a Singer, Songwriter, Model & Actress that has an undeniable love for the Arts. Vocally known as KrystalVoice, she has woven her way into the local music scene with her releases such as The Gift, Wait, and Not Alone (to name a few). She has also contributed to powerful collaborations with many Toronto artists like Ray Robinson and Samuel Williams. Krystal has performed on the Black Diamond Ball stage, sang Back up for Mya and Omar Lye Fook and is also an accomplished writer. She wrote the global anthem “Not Alone”, a Mental Health song for the Documentary ‘The Blind Stigma’ (by Stacy Ann Buchanan). If her likeness seems familiar, you may have seen Krystal as the face of Jamaica in the Toronto Panam Games, as Miss Canada Globe, or dancing with the prestigious Afro-Caribbean performing company, Dance Caribe, around the city & even commercials on your TV. All in all, Krystal Voice makes her mark in all art forms around the GTA and yet she’s only scratched the surface.

S.O.S. O.N.E. Evolution consists of 3 brothers who live in 3 different parts of the world, all doing the same thing: playing steelpan for a living. Though their careers grew in parallel, they realized they had never played together and that is how Sons of Steel O.N.E. Evolution was created. Olujimi (@jimmeh345) lives in Cayman Islands, Noel (@nlapierrepangroove) lives in Trinidad & Tobago & Earl Jr. (@panmanonduty) lives in Toronto, Canada. As they each take to the stage, be prepared to be wowed with the sweet sounds of steel like you’ve never heard before!

For the full Union Summer lineup click here.